Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Start of the Vacation

Today is the day we head out on our vacation to Tall Pines in Branson. We truly do a FAMILY vacation.  It will be me, my husband, our son, my parents and my grandparents. We are all packed and ready to go....except for my husband who is still at work. Once it gets closer to him getting off work we will pack the stuff in the cars.

This vacation should be entertaining.  We went to Branson last year and I think my son will enjoy it a little bit more this year since he is older.  Also we are in the middle of potty training so we shall she how this goes while on vacation. I'm hoping we don't take 2 giant steps back.

On the subject of potty training. ... I ordered some Flip cloth training pants in hopes of saving money on pull ups and making potty training easier.  The cloth training pants are supposed to let the child feel wet instead of wicking away all the moisture,  but they have a waterproof shell like cloth diapers so they won't leak (at least I hope they don't). When I ordered the 2 training pants kits I also got a free cloth OS diaper and a used Bumgenius freetime AIO diaper. I plan on using the cloth diapers at night with my son. I am new to cloth diapering,  but since Hubs and I are thinking of trying for baby #2 we have been researching ways to save money and cloth diapering seemed a cheaper and logical option.  So I figure I'd test the waters with my son and see how it goes. I really wish I would have ordered it sooner so I could have gotten them, washed them and used them on vacation.  Oh well, I guess we will try them when we get back.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


To start off my blog I figured it would be best to introduce myself. I am a mommy to a wonderful 2 year old son, I have an amazing boyfriend whom I often call my husband (and will refer to him as such going forward), I work full-time and am currently going to school at night to get my bachelors in nursing.

About why I call my boyfriend my husband: long story short- he is firefighter and one of the guys on his crew decided one day that we needed to be "fire house married" lol so it stuck and we say we are married most the time.

My husband and I have known each other since 1st grade. He is weird....I am weird... so it works out great! We are trying for baby number 2, so I figured I would document my thoughts, worries,  frustrations and adventures going forward as a way of releasing stress.

I always loved writing, so I figured I'd give blogging a try in hopes of reaching people who can relate. My hope is to make you laugh and even to make you realize that thing you aren't alone when things are tough.

I hope you enjoy my blog and find it useful and/or entertaining.  Thank you for stopping by!